The world is changing rapidly.
while society remains built on an almost completely outdated model.
We live in a global world
just a click away: economics, finance, conflicts and pandemics have
neither physical nor political boundaries. Conversely, rules,
democracy, justice, rights and duties remain confined into dozens of
individual countries.
If economics and finance must
be instruments at the service of men so that they can increasingly
emancipate themselves, if peace and health must be a global
objective, if social justice and widespread freedom must be the
indispensable prerequisite for a better world, then the lead of the
world cannot be left at the mercy of the strongest.
If yesterday religions and then
great ideologies effectively guaranteed international rules and
ideals in a world of individual countries, today these are no longer
The global world requires
democratic and fair global rules, which only representative,
democratic and global institutions can guarantee.
The greatest challenge for the
coming decades will be to create the conditions for global peace,
social justice and freedom. If true freedom can only be achieved by
guaranteeing the right socio-economic emancipation for each
individual, there will be a need to better redistribute wealth so
that everyone can live with dignity, while rewarding commitment,
skills and merit. If work is the means to redistribute wealth and to
give dignity to every man, in a future which will see a reduction in
the need for workforce as a consequence of technological
development, information technology, robotics and the overcoming of
distances, it will be unavoidable to let everyone work a little less
to be able to let everyone work. Obviously, this will have to happen
without reducing salaries but, on the contrary, adapting them to the
real cost of a dignified life. Working less, to allow men to be able
to enjoy the pleasures of life among other things, must be one of
the pillars of a new model of society that must be created starting
from today.
A new model based on social
justice and freedom, health and time available to allow everyone to
realize their expectations which must be the pillars on which a new
world of coexistence and global peace should be conceived and
To move significantly in this
direction, the first challenge must be to build a true political
Europe. The "United States of Europe" must be the short-term
objective in order to conceive, tomorrw, representative and
democratic "United States of the World".
To redistribute wealth, to
guarantee civil and social rights, freedom and social justice,
health and peace, common rules and common policies are needed.
Finance, taxation, trade, defence, labour, environment, health and
civil protection will have to be managed at least at an European
level. Each state will have to give up a little of its sovereignty
in the interest of its own people, of the European people and of the
entire world.
The European elections will
be held in a few months, and this represents the opportunity to
discuss, compare and accelerate in the desired direction. It will be
an opportunity for political forces to demonstrate whether they
really care about building a better world, or whether ignorance and
the interests and selfishness of a few will prevail. It will also be
an opportunity for all the other large social organisations, trade
unions and other, to provide an acceleration which, like a leap
forward in time, will allow to catch up with the time we have lost
so far.
Promoted by:
Daniele Delbene -
former National President of the PSE Constituent
Alessandro Tosi -
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Federico Pezzoli
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Vito Fiorino
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Antonio Leanza -
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Luigi Rocca -
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Maurizio Fabrizio
- former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
Tressoldi - former member of the PSE National Constituent
Fabio Picone -
former member of the PSE National Constituent Coordination
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